Enable Nexiwave Voicemail Transcription for Mitel Application Suite (MAS) mailboxes

You can enable Nexiwave Voicemail Transcription for Mitel Application Suite (MAS) mailboxes in a few clicks.


  • Nexiwave account
  • Mitel Application Suite with NuPoint
    • NuPoint can deliver emails
    • (if using MS Exchange as SmartHost) Ensure Exchange Relay rule so NuPoint is allowed to relay emails externally to Nexiwave

Enable Mitel UM-SMTP for your MAS server.

(You only need to do this once).

  1. Log into MAS and then click on NuPoint Web Console.
  2. Make a "Class of Service" (COS) for permission "289". Permission "289" is the Mitel permission that allows you to type an email address. Note, you can call the COS any name you'd like.

Grant COS for each mailbox and set Nexiwave custom email address as email address.

(You need to do this for each mailbox)

  1. Click on "Mail Boxes" and find the mailboxes you'd like this feature.
  2. Enable the COS for the mailbox in question.
  3. Finally, you can put the Nexiwave Custom Email Address for the mailbox.


  • If your NuPoint uses external SmartHost, such as Microsoft Exchange server, please ensure to the SmartHost to allow email delivery to Nexiwave from NuPoint. Sometimes, you may have config Exchange Relay rules to allow your phone system to deliver emails externally to Nexiwave.

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